Monday, June 20, 2011

May Album: Oklahoma to Oregon

2011-05-02 Lillards 008 (2)

My May album is a little behind – for reasons cited previously.  What a month it was!  We left Texas after my birthday for a brief visit to Oklahoma with Matt’s parents (Oma and Papa) and his sister (Aunt Ayme!).  We had a great time at the Oklahoma City Zoo and the Museum of Natural History at the University of Oklahoma.  We even got to visit with Great Grandma Lillard and Great Aunt Netha.  What a treat!

2011-05-02 Lillards 015 (2)

Finally, we flew back home!  We spent most of the month trying not to think about the fact that we were back in 60-degree, wet weather.

2011-05-09 3Lillards 011 (2)

At the end of the month, we drove out to Farewell Bend State Park to meet my sister, Gina, and her family.  We had a nice afternoon at the park, and they graciously brought us some furniture for the kids (my childhood twin bed frames).  They are moving from Salt Lake City to Colorado Springs, which is much further away from us – boo…  Sadly, we won’t be picking blueberries together this summer in Oregon, as we have for the past couple of years!  I will miss our frequent visits.

2011-05-29 FarewellBendStatePark 013 (2)   2011-05-29 FarewellBendStatePark 031 (2)

2011-05-29 FarewellBendStatePark 036 (2)    2011-05-29 FarewellBendStatePark 024 (2)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I choose sleep

Alas, I have fallen behind on blog-posting, for a very good reason...