Monday, August 12, 2013

March Album: Leo turns 2

It is August.  We have had some amazing weather this spring and summer, and so my computer has been wildly neglected!  Because, really, isn’t blogging for winter?  Also, I confess that for at least a month between February and now, I misplaced my camera.  So I’ve got a bit of catching up to do.  Which means lots of pictures for me to upload, since I honestly don’t remember much of what happens in this fast-paced house of ours unless it is recorded digitally.  And I like to look back and remember from time to time…

So let’s start by appreciating my new album cover for this mini-band that Matthew and I created.  We have written a few songs, such as “Fiona and Dean, it’s time to get clean”, but alas, there’s more work to do…

2013-03-04 007

This month, we celebrated Leo!  We got out the streamers (that stayed up until Mother’s Day, of course!) and Dean made Leo a poster with a train, an elephant, and a butterfly (the things that Leo loves).  I remember the exact contents of the poster, because yes it is August, and in fact, it’s still hanging up in our living room, with Dean’s “happy birthday Leo” written in crayon.  Probably time to take that down, we’ve been saying for months.

2013-03-07 054    2013-03-07 058

For Leo’s birthday, I tried making “Tres Leches” cake, since Leo is a lover of all things dairy.  Topped with berries, since Leo is also a fan.  It was a hit.  And quite filling.

2013-03-13 009     2013-03-13 010

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2013-03-13 Leo_bday 007     2013-03-13 Leo_bday 021

Leo received a wooden train set, something that he still gets a kick out of, I am happy to report.  Now we are into building bridges and tunnels and the station for our “Cretaceous time period” (Dinosaur Train reference).  Nothing is cuter than hearing a 2-year old say “Cretaceous time period”. 

Happy birthday, sweet Leo!

2013-03-13 Leo_bday 048     2013-03-13 Leo_bday 053

Also in March: a welcome first sign of spring.  After planting only tulips for years and years, this year I got smart and planted daffodils also, since they bloom much earlier.  Plus I love the yellow.

2013-03-22 Daffodils 002

And Easter arrived, which means cascarones.  The kiddos love dying eggs and cracking them on each other’s heads.  Who wouldn’t love that? 

2013-03-29 Cascarones 008    2013-03-29 Cascarones 011

2013-03-31 Easter 002 - Copy    2013-03-31 Easter 003 - Copy

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

2013-03-31 Easter 034 - Copy