Friday, July 23, 2010

Camp Wood

Before I blog more adventures with the Woods in Portland, I have to share the news of Dean's journey to Camp Wood.  When Gina offered to take Dean back to Salt Lake City for two weeks, and Matt and I hemmed and hawed it over... Dean, without any hesitation whatsoever, began packing his bags!  Dean loves his cousins!  Two weeks will be a long time without him, but that is when my grandparents will arrive in Salt Lake City, and it seemed the perfect opportunity to visit.  Yes, I have already bought my tickets to bring him back home.

Here are pictures that Gina shared with me the first day, one from a McDonald's on their very long road trip (12 hours!), and one from the next day, Dean showing off his "silly face".  We have been talking on the phone every day, and today, even Fiona spoke with him: "Hi, Dean!"

I am a little off-balance, and the house is a bit empty.  But what an adventure he will have with his cousins at Camp Wood...

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