Sunday, November 21, 2010

it's November already??

Alas, I've neglected my bloggy-blog.  I knew this was possible.  There's a lot going on en la casa, in fact, but I guess my mind was on overload.  So, let's get the obvious out of the way:  I'm pregnant!

Details:  It's a boy!  Due March 15, and Matthew and I have less than 18 weeks to duke out the name.  The kids are excited.  Dean loves to kiss my belly.  Fiona likes to poke my belly button and talk about the baby, but I'm not sure if either of them knows what's coming.  I'm not sure I do, either.  Three?!  Breathe...  So, here's a recent picture, taken today.  And now I have some more blog-related catching up to do.  Stay tuned.

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