Friday, February 3, 2012

January Album: A Fresh New Year

Album time!  I've enjoyed posting and looking through our monthly albums over the past couple of years - it allows me in the short term to do something with the hundreds of photos I take each month.  I also saw something handy on blurb that I've started experimenting with, for anyone interested in creating an instant photo album with your blog posts.  I like putting things in things.

So, happy 2012!  We opened the year on Whidbey Island – ahoy mateys!

2012-01-02 Whidbey_playground 035 (2)

2012-01-02 Whidbey_playground 039 (2)

2012-01-02 Whidbey_playground 050 (2)

2012-01-02 Whidbey_playground 051 (2)

When we got back home, we completely reorganized the house to combine Dean and Fiona into one bedroom and make Dean’s room (which has been his since he was born!) into Leo’s room.  Everyone transitioned so well.  Our house was a wreck for about a week.

2012-01-07 house 001 (2)

That took several trips to IKEA and lots of reorganizing, but I think the end result is nice for everyone.  (Pay no attention to the clothes that Sweetpea neglected to put away).

2012-01-08 Playing 001 (2)

And now Leo has a safe place to be, right off the kitchen.  He’s pretty happy about that.  He gets all the universally age-appropriate toys in his room, while Dean and Fiona get all the art supplies, doll house accessories, and small Legos.  Ah…

2012-01-27 Leo_room 006

My 2012 photo-a-day project has given me the excuse to get myself outside this winter.  I have come to enjoy my walks at work, since it makes me stop and actually observe and record.  I don’t think I’ve appreciated winter as much since I’ve been in Portland.  (We’ll see how I feel in May when it still looks like this – well, a little greener at least.) 

2012-01-03 Portland 003 (2)  2012-01-24 Portland 002

2012-01-12 Portland 002  2012-01-10 Portland 001

2012-01-03 Portland 005 (2)

2012-01-03 Portland 008 (2)

We’re also getting lots of outside time at home, whether it’s pleasant or a little wet… I think Dean is ready for pedaling a bicycle sans training wheels.  He’s mastered the Strider bike, and Leo will be ready for it soon!

2012-01-11 Playing 004 (2)  2012-01-21 BikeRide 001 (2)

And when it’s super wet, we’ve been inside, crafting or making robots (inspired by one of Dean’s Christmas presents).

2012-01-13 Playing 003 (2)

2012-01-20 Robots 006 (2)   2012-01-21 Robots 006 (2)

2012-01-20 Robots 009 (2)

2012-01-21 Robots 001 (2)

And, something else happened this month: sweet baby boy is growing! 

2012-01-13 Leo_10months 013 (2)

2012-01-13 Playing 025 (2)

Such a little man!  He started taking steps and eating more regular food - pretty much everything we could give him.  Then these last couples of weeks, he had a major setback – he caught a pretty nasty stomach flu which reverted him back to eating baby mush and not interested in walking, plus he was waking up in the night.  Slowly, he’s been on the mend, thankfully, but it was a pretty unpleasant experience for him, and unfortunately it transitioned right into teething.  Poor guy.

On the brighter side, he loves peek-a-boo, clapping, and rocking out to music with his brother and sister.  He is truly a joy to them both – Fiona loves to pick out his clothes and help get him dressed and Dean loves to build block towers for him to destroy (which Leo also loves).  I am delighted by their interactions. 

No one could imagine our lives any different.  I could imagine our house a little more organized, but I am trying to let that go a little.  I’ve got my list.    #Thinkaboutwhetheranissueisreallyworthworryingabout

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