Saturday, March 17, 2012

February Album: Adventures inside and out

This February, we managed to get out to the park whenever it was not raining and the naptimes aligned.  Which was pretty often.  It’s been chilly, but the kiddos don’t seem to mind.  They are from Oregon, after all.
2012-02-01 AlbertaPark 003   2012-02-01 AlbertaPark 004
2012-02-05 FernhillPark 003
We are all looking forward to spring and summer!  Luckily we live between two great parks that are fun to walk and bike to.
2012-02-17 Playing 003
Nothing like fresh air for the soul.
2012-02-20 AlbertaPark 008
2012-02-24 AlbertaPark 006
2012-02-24 AlbertaPark 011
I even managed to pack the kids a lunch one afternoon so we could spend more time outside.  The weather was decent, especially for a February!   That day my secret agenda was to get them all home to nap so we could make it to the family matinee at the Kennedy School to see the Muppet Movie… 
2012-02-24 AlbertaPark 020
One of Leo’s first words is “cracker” – only it sounds more like “gak-oh”. Here he is holding one in each hand, his favorite way to eat them. 
2012-02-24 AlbertaPark 021
Also, this month Leo started walking! It comes as no surprise, for the boy who rolled over at one week old and crawled at five months.  He is everywhere!  I’m pretty excited about this – it’s fun to have another little person walking around our house.  And he definitely seems pretty empowered by the walking.  I think that crawling was beginning to frustrate him – it’s like his whole world has opened up!  Watch out.
2012-02-23 Leo 005
What else happened this month…?  We had a fun time visiting Vancouver’s awesome library.  It was designed by one of Matt’s professors in grad school at UW, and it has an incredible children’s section.  So, we ventured across the Columbia Bridge (seen from the photo with me and Leo, on the balcony of the library), and checked it out. 
2012-02-12 VancouverLibrary 001
2012-02-12 VancouverLibrary 019  2012-02-12 VancouverLibrary 040
2012-02-12 VancouverLibrary 042
We jammed out to our own music this month. 
2012-02-16 Playing 022
Fiona continued swim lessons (this look that suggests to me that she is not about to get into the water until the class is about over).  She’s come around lately, thank goodness!  For this day, I needed my handy list of calm.
2012-02-18 Swimming 002
My curls came back!  They were on hiatus?  Well, yes, for about a month.  All this baby-making, breastfeeding over the past um… six(?) years has taken a toll on my hair, and my love-hate relationship with it was more hate than love.  My hair stylist said, “I know you, and I know you’ll go back to curls.”  She was totally right.
2012-02-27 Lora 015
Sweet Leo, he just keeps growing.  Here he is at eleven months.
2012-02-15 Leo_11months 009
My sweet boys, what a gift.
2012-02-15 Leo_11months 049

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