Friday, March 29, 2013

February Album: the month that disappeared

I am drawing a blank for what happened last month except for the fact that everyone en la casa was sick.  Leo and I caught the flu.  He got over it in one week, but it took me two weeks or more.  I was probably better for a day or two, and then I caught whatever Matthew was fighting.  There were three weekends in a row that I was at the doctor’s office, alone or with children: only one of those flu-related.  Dean and Fiona caught a stomach bug somewhere in there, Leo split his chin on the wooden stool, and Dean and Leo also both had ear infections.  It was crazy!  Work was starting to amp up at the same time for me, in preparation for some major events in March.  I’m not sure how I got through it.  I don’t have a story to string this random assortment of photos, because I must have been in a daze all month.  Good thing I grabbed the camera every now and then.

2013-02-10 002

2013-02-16 001   2013-02-18 001

2013-02-18 008

One thing that must’ve happened this month, according to the photos – Leo is in a toddler bed!  And we are currently in a trial run of all three kids sleeping in one room so that we could convert the other room (Leo’s old room off the kitchen) into a play room.  We’ll see how it goes.  The other factor is that Matthew needs to build a soffit on the ceiling to cover up some new pipes that were installed when we built the second bathroom upstairs.

2013-02-18 017

Dean celebrated his 100th day of kindergarten, and Matthew and I  took a Michoacan cooking class (did we really?!) where I learned to put carrots and potatoes inside of red enchiladas.  (What?!)  So Leo and Fiona and I tried this at home.  My verdict?  Hold the potatoes for papas con huevo.  Carrots are ok.

2013-02-26 014     2013-02-18 021

2013-02-18 028

2013-02-18 034

Leo is on wheels! 

2013-02-26 001    2013-02-26 006

We somehow managed to take Dean and Fiona to see “Cat in the Hat”. They love this actor – who was also in Peter Pan as Captain Hook. Fiona always wants to be photographed with him after the show. Which is cute, because when she gets in his presence, she pouts and stiffens up. Adorable…

2013-02-24 004

Here’s to better health -

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