Wednesday, October 2, 2013

June Album part II: Road trip!

Matthew and I were really taking a chance with this 3-day road trip to get to Colorado Springs.  Everyone thought we were a little crazy, and we probably were.  We had two strategies: lots of new movies to watch in the van and overnight stays at state parks where the kids could run around in the mornings and evenings.  These pictures remind me of how much fun it all was.  And look how relaxed we are!  We would actually do this again.

2013-06-22 018

Our first stop was Three Island Crossing State Park in Idaho.

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It had a small museum and interpretive center just a short bike ride from our cabin.

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2013-06-23 Idaho 021

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And this lovely river was in our front yard!

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One silly night here, and the next morning we were off again with our destination set to the Dinosaur Museum in Vernal, Utah.

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This is Matthew’s moment of glee when he was able to pack it all back up in the van again the next morning.

2013-06-23 Idaho 013

The dinosaur museum was a hit the next morning after a restful night in Utah.  Leo still talks about this place. 

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2013-06-24 023

Next stop: Farish Recreation Center in Colorado Springs.  The kiddos were going nuts every time we hit a large tunnel on our way there.

2013-06-24 047


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