Thursday, February 3, 2011

waiting for baby

The sweetest development in our life is Fiona’s joyful anticipation of baby.  Her favorite spot is on my lap or near it, staring, rubbing, patting, or kissing “mama’s beh-wee” (many, many times a day). 

She likes to talk about her baby brother, repeating all the words we’ve told her: “baby’s growing” “not come out yet.. in a wittle bit”, “gentle mama’s beh-wee”, “bruh-der, like Dean”, “that’s a baby in there”.

Precious times.

2011-01-22 Fiona 034 (2)_thumb[2]

2011-01-23 Fiona 008 (2)_thumb[1]    2011-01-23 Fiona 010 (2)_thumb[1]

2011-01-23 Fiona 020 (2)_thumb[2]

2011-01-26 Mommy'sBelly 006 (2)_thumb[2]

Fiona’s baby doll gives her lots of practice at nurturing – strolling, rocking, wearing in a sling.  Being a big sister is going to come naturally! 

2011-01-16 Playing 011 (2)_thumb[9]   2011-01-16 Playing 013 (2)_thumb[9]  

 2011-01-30 Resting 004 (2)_thumb[1]     2011-01-11 Playing 004 (2)_thumb[4]


Whispering 60 said...

Sweetness!!!! can't wait to see all of you......

Meghan Salveson said...

Oh my goodness... Fiona is so sweet. You look great. And hooray for one year of blogging reflection!

Let me know if there are particular baby clothes sizes you need.
