Monday, February 28, 2011

finding JOY in the last month of pregnancy…

Here are some quick photos of my last few weeks with a baby belly! 

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These were taken at the office by my co-worker.  This is my last week of work before a short(?) break and baby decides to come out, then my maternity leave begins…  I’m still enjoying the challenge and pace (slow-fast-slow) of work.  I continue to co-chair a working mom’s affinity group (CityMamas) that provides a good forum for all kinds of discussion regarding home/work balance, and these days I’m beginning to feel like a poster child. 

The funniest thing about being pregnant with my third is I’m often a “confessional” for both men and women on family… “My husband would never go for three.  I had to fight for two.”  “If only we had started sooner, we definitely would have had three.  I don’t want to be 40 and pregnant.”  “I’m going to miss the baby times, but my wife is insistent that we’re done.”  “It’s so expensive, I don’t know how we’d afford it.”  And then there’s a lot of proclamations that are just silly, like “You’re brave.”  “You’re going for it.”  “Three is the new one.”  PLUS, I still get all the questions: what are we going to do about house, daycare, car, etc. etc. 

This has been quite a different experience from either previous pregnancies.  Which is why, this year, I decided to focus my mind on JOY.  Lately, I’m taking it all in stride.  Someone recently said (after I mentioned a possible cross-country trip in my future), “but then you’d have to get a big old van!” to which I responded “I have a big old van!  I’m jumping in with both feet!” 

I am glad that nine months has given me some time to breathe into my new reality and get comfortable and even(!) excited about it.  Early on, I happened upon a website that has a hilarious perspective on having three kids.  It’s called, appropriately, “having three kids”.

And what of all those pesky questions?  My plan is to continue working part-time and start that adventure of three kids in daycare for two to three days a week before Dean heads to kindergarten.  At last, a plan!

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The Subaru has sold, the house is slowly coming together for our new baby brother, and even the kids are getting into all the moments of pregnancy:  sympathy pains on the couch as my feet keep cramping, lots of baby belly hugs and kisses…  some of us are even dressing alike Smile

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Life is slowing down though; my sew, mama days are dwindling.  A small glimmer of hope exists that I can finish some kitchen curtains during my short break from work before the baby is born, but I’m certainly not counting on it.

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Baby continues to move and kick in my body – my little starfish likes to jab several points at the same time.  He’s getting bigger and lower.  So stay tuned… it’s about to get more exciting in our little house!

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