Friday, April 8, 2011

March Album: Leo

What a whirlwind since Leo's birth!  The last day of the month of March, this is where we found ourselves...

2011-03-31 Flight_toSA 005 - Copy    2011-03-31 Flight_toSA 004 - Copy

Mom and me, plus three kids, on our way (with a 2-hour layover in Phoenix), to San Antonio – to begin our April adventure.

But let me back up… Here’s Matthew and I, at six in the morning, the day that Leo was born.  We’d spent the evening before walking down to Alberta Street to indulge some cravings – crawfish cakes and fried okra.  We’d had our eye on some cheesecake, but Jenn and Scott invited us over to their house for some of Jenn’s birthday carrot cake.  Their kids were in bed, and Rene and Tracy were over.  Since Matt’s parents were in town, and Dean and Fiona were in bed, we decided to head over – it could be our last stop before the hospital.  I was having some contractions and although they were irregular, they were fairly noticeable.  We were there until 2 a.m. or so, playing games and telling stories, but alas, my contractions fizzled out, so Matt and I headed back home.  The next morning, I woke up at 5:30 with a strong contraction.  Five minutes later, it happened again.  Five minutes later, same thing.  I woke Matthew up and told him I was going downstairs to take a shower, and I thought we should probably get ready to head to the hospital.  The pattern continued.  After my shower, I came back upstairs to find Matt, sprawled across the bed, and he said, so I can sleep for another hour, right?  To which I replied, no, you’re going to get dressed and get a cup of coffee and we’re heading to the hospital.  Then I had a big contraction, and he saw my point.  Matthew’s parents were awake (and so was Dean, our early-riser), so we asked them to take this photo – it was still so dark outside!

2011-03-13 LeavingfortheHospital 001

Leo was born at 11:32 that morning.  I was so fortunate that my midwife, Karen, who had delivered both of my children, had told me to have her notified when I checked in to the hospital.  Even if she wasn’t on call, she said, she’d come in.  Since it was a Sunday, she had no other patients and she stayed with me the entire labor.  What a blessing.  It was a short, but intense labor; Leo was sunnyside-up (both Dean and Fiona had been, too) – which causes tremendous back labor, but since I was so far along I decided to bite the bullet and go without meds.  Matthew was an amazing coach and he did everything he could to make me comfortable.  Karen said, the only way to get around it is through it, and so we did, and Leo was born.

2011-03-13 Leo 028    2011-03-13 Leo 018

That afternoon, Charles and Suzanne brought Dean and Fiona up to meet Leo.  It was incredible to see all three of them together.  Here’s the next day’s visit…

2011-03-14 Leo 027

2011-03-14 Leo 037   Leo charmed everyone.

2011-03-14 Leo 054

When we got home, Fiona wanted to help care for baby.  She burped her baby while Daddy burped Leo.

2011-03-15 Burping 006

Leo, one week old, poses with the lion that Dean and Fiona gave him when they first visited him in the hospital.

2011-03-20 Leo_1week 026

2011-03-17 Leo 001 (2)   2011-03-20 Leo 008 (2)

Here’s Leo after he rolled over at one week old, from his tummy to his back.  He did it twice!  I couldn’t believe it. 

2011-03-22 Leo_rolledover 003

Daddy and Leo wear matching clothes, Nani puts Leo to sleep, Leo finds his thumb, and Mommy and Leo go for an outing.

2011-03-21 Matthew Leo 006   2011-03-23 Nani Leo 003

2011-03-24 Leo 001 (2)    2011-03-26 Goingout 003

After my in-laws left, Nani came to visit and help out before we five flew to San Antonio.  The kids enjoy being read to and cuddled!

2011-03-25 Athome 006

2011-03-25 Athome 007

I’ve enjoyed sharing moments with Leo and his older siblings, and they’ve enjoyed him…

2011-03-25 Lora kids 004

2011-03-25 Dean_Leo 004

Such a snuggle-bug!

2011-03-25 Leo 002

One humorous Sunday morning, we could only get Fiona to let us change her diaper because her baby brother was also getting his diaper changed.  Dean squatted near us to read a story, and voila!  Family portrait.

2011-03-27 ChangingLeo 011

Fiona loves her baby brother.

2011-03-27 ChangingLeo 002

And now I’m a mother of three.  New adventures await.

2011-03-30 Lora 3 014

2011-03-30 Lora 3 023

Our current adventure started when we left Portland at the end of the month.  We are in San Antonio, and we will be “on holiday” until Mother’s Day.  Our route includes Corpus Christi, Dallas, and Oklahoma City.  We miss Daddy, who is busy in Portland making our home more livable, but we have been enjoying our “FaceTime” via iphones to talk to him during the day.  He’ll meet us after Easter in Dallas.  Phew.  More updates to come.

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