Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cookies and wookies

Nothing says 'Grandma's cookies' - a recipe that goes back at least 5 generations -like Yoda and Darth Vader.

"Grandma's cookies" are a heavenly treat, steeped in cinnamon sticks and anise seeds. This is a recipe derived from my mother's grandmother, and one that I grew up with. Now I make it with my children around Christmas, and the familiar smell of these cookies is being imprinted upon them too.

This year, somewhat unconventionally, we used Star Wars cookie cutters, brought to us by Aunt Ayme. Which has my husband and brother (visiting us for a few days with his family) saying things like, "cookie. You seek cookie." Or "eat you I will." while biting into the likenesses of Boba Fett and storm troopers. Deliciously entertaining.

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