Friday, December 23, 2011

making merry

The top three reasons to make merry this Christmas (pictured):

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It’s Leo’s first Christmas, and he couldn’t be cuter.  And, actually, he’s becoming quite a handful himself.  What?  Not this sweet face…

2011-12-08 Leo 002

He is into EVERYTHING.  He can climb stairs with ease – if the gate is not up, he will make it to the landing and start messing with my stone rooster up there.  Eep.  He likes to open drawers and empty them (napkins, bibs, bowls, toys).  He loves to lean on my laundry baskets full of clothes and start tossing all of the clothes out.  He loves taking every magnet off of the refrigerator.  My house has been ransacked repeatedly.  Serenity now.

He eats a TON.  We jokingly call him “fourthmeal”, referring to the fact that when Leo is at CityKids, he eats three meals and THEN comes home and has another with us.  What an appetite. 

He is finding his voice.  Leo yells when he’s hungry, when he’s frustrated, when he’s done eating, and when he loses a toy (or it gets taken by his overprotective – controlling? – big sister).  It adds to the mix of yelling that occurs between his siblings when they are playing or when they are arguing.  So there is constant cacophony.   I know, I said they are all three reasons to make merry.  And so…

Leo’s stocking is complete!  After finishing it, I decided that we’d all get some flare this Christmas.  Why not?  I got back into crocheting and since my sewing room/closet is the staging area for our new bathroom upstairs, crochet seems a perfect solution to my urge to create.  I’m amazed that all of this was found for free online: Christmas tree, poinsettia leaves (inspired by this picture), mittens, wreath, and holly leaf.  Half the fun is hunting down the patterns.  And there’s so much more…  Some day, I’ll give back, but for now I’m appreciative for all who freely share their patterns.

2011-12-14 Stockings 002

I also decided that with all the Douglas firs in our neighborhood, the kids and I would collect fallen leaves and I would make our first annual winter wreath.  It was super easy.  I have this branchy-wreath thing hanging on our door already, and it made a perfect backing.  Just needed some wire and cutters.  Voila!  I also used some holly berries from our neighbor’s tree that poke through our fence. 

2011-12-14 Wreath-making 002    2011-12-14 Wreath 002

Aside from the wreath and the stockings, I managed to put together a Christmas card holder that makes me happy every time I look at it – because it keeps filling up with sweet photos and thoughts from dear friends.  This I made by wrapping felt and ribbons on a cork board I’ve had since our college days at Texas A&M.  I made it frantically one morning while the kids were doing crafts and Leo was asleep.  The kids love it too. 

2011-12-14 Ornaments 001    2011-12-18 Christmas_card_holder 001

2011-12-23 Christmas_card_holder 001

Best way to display cards ever.  I should look at this every time I’m grumpy.  It’s so darn heartwarming.

Now, make merry!

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