Friday, August 3, 2012


Before we traveled to Bend, we had a visit from my grandparents (my dad’s mom and dad) and my Aunt Carrie, who were making their way from San Antonio up the west coast to Seattle and then back down through the Rockies.  It was quite an epic trip for them – over 5000 miles with several stops to see their cousins and grandchildren.  Thank you, Aunt Carrie, for driving!  I hope I can be this adventurous if I’m fortunate enough to thrive in my eighties.

Leo took to Grampa – his great grandfather (!), mainly with the enticement of food.  Look how they match, stripes and hair cut!

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Aunt Carrie used her creative teaching skills to construct a tree mosaic out of torn paper. 

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I drove them out to Multnomah Falls (where else? it’s so lovely) and the Crown  Vista Point.  I had taken them there back in 2008 after my brother’s wedding, but it’s always such a crowd-pleaser.  Plus, Aunt Carrie hadn’t been yet.

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I also arranged for a personal tour of Portland’s historic Belmont Firehouse.  It was fun to hear Grampa reminisce about his days at the fire station.  I wonder if any occupation has undergone such a transformation over time.  Aunt Carrie documented many of the artifacts.  There is momentum in opening up a similar fire museum near the Alamo in San Antonio, so hopefully they’ll get some good ideas to take back. 

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We filled the table!  We love sharing meals with visitors, and there is no greater honor than hosting your grandparents in your own home.  I loved to watch the kids interact with them.  What a gift.

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Of course, when it came time for a photo opp, Leo was not in the best mood.  He was wearing his pajamas, so obviously he was ready for bed.  Still a great memory.  (Note, Fiona’s Panama shirt was once worn by me, commemorating my birthplace.)

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Such a treasured visit.  How lucky we are.

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