Monday, January 25, 2010


Returning from an extended weekend with my sisters and mom (and baby nephew), to celebrate my sister's 40th birthday, which, yes, involved deluxe pedis, I started to wallow a little bit.  It is my pattern after a family visit.  It's especially difficult for me when I don't have a clear sense of when I'll see each of them again.  Then I start thinking about how to relocate la casa close to family (which is a stretch, since we're spread from St. Louis to Salt Lake City, but maybe Texas would cover a lot of ground)...  This time my wallowing was met in the airplane by a friendly woman and her husband who just spent their weekend in Denver celebrating her sister's 70TH birthday!  She is one of 4 siblings in all, and when everyone literally "left the farm" in South Dakota and started having children, they decided to make it a priority to gather together every other year.  She said they were faithful to this, and all the cousins did get to know each other, because they learned the value of being around family.  Those were special times for them.  And look!  They still make it a point to gather together and celebrate special occasions.  It was perfect timing for me and my wallowing to hear her story.  Okay, okay, very reassuring, so I won't relocate la casa just yet.  I guess this is just what people do in these circumstances, and my struggle isn't new or unique.  But still.

Spending time with the girls was such a needed getaway aside from our every-other-year gathering that is starting to occur with the larger group (our families together total 20 people now!), and since each of us has returned to our daily routines, plans are in motion to make this Mamacation (?vacation for the mamas?) an annual event, Including the deluxe pedis.  phew.

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