Monday, January 11, 2010

some new blog

Inspired by family and friends, I am finally joining the bandwagon of bloggy-bloggersons out there. so here I am, posting a post.

A new year, my short list of resolutions:
  1. more time with friends and with family, even if it means sticking our necks out there and throwing a party that leaves us exhausted the next morning (which we did new year's eve, to kick it off - and look how wild it got!) 

    My brother and family came out to Portland for our New Year's kick-off, which was only enough time to play with our baby cousin in the snow, make a traditional posole (which involved multiple phone calls to my Mom 1700 miles away), do some window shopping with my sister-in-law with babies in slings, get Fia's ears pierced, and stay up late playing Farkle (really fun to use it as a verb: I farkle. You farkle. She farkles. Especially when it's late and you're drinking a Golden Cadillac.) After they left, I asked myself again why we all live so far apart...

    BUT wait - This week marks the first gathering of the women in my family for a retreat of sorts, to celebrate my sister Marie's 40th (!) birthday. First of all, I can't believe we're pulling this off! Yay! This will be my FIRST trip away from home without children in 3+ years! Second of all... 40!!! I remember sneaking in the garage to *tape record* her 16th birthday party (which was co-ed) with my other sister and partner-in-crime. The result was just static - we were a little disappointed, frankly. And kind of, well, losers. So this should be much more fun.

            2.  more time for introspection, so voila.
      there you have it, the yin and yang of resolutions.  Blogging is kind of cathartic, but I'm not sure how to sign off. So there.

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