Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fiona is three

2011-11-07 Fiona_birthday_school 001 (2)

Sweet Pea turned three on November 5!  Here' she is with her “queen” crown at school.

We celebrated the morning of Fiona’s birthday at the Portland Children’s Museum, with many of her classmates from pre-school.  It was quite an awakening of the senses for a Saturday morning - there were so many children!  We filled up this table and beyond, plus the museum became pretty packed.  Dean enjoyed visiting with the older boys, and Leo also tried to join in on the fun.

2011-11-05 Fiona_birthday_party 016 (2) 

2011-11-05 Fiona_birthday_party 007 (2)

Fiona wasn’t sure how to handle all of the attention, but she fared pretty well.  Her cake was “chocolate with sprinkles” - just as she requested - an array of cupcakes with a pink number 3.  Oh yes!   Thank you, Martha Stewart’s one-bowl chocolate cupcake recipe, once again, and Better Homes & Gardens chocolate truffle frosting.  Deliciousness.

2011-11-05 Fiona_birthday_party 010 (2)

We celebrated at home that evening with a spice cake, because there’s no such thing as too much cake when you’re three (but maybe when you’re thirty-something…).  Fiona helped me make all the cakes.  Such a helper in the kitchen. 

2011-11-05 Fiona_birthday 021 (2)

And I can’t believe she’s growing so fast!  Didn’t we just do this?  So much has rocked Fiona’s world in one year.  How she loves being a big sister (though nurturing can be a pretty overpowering emotion…)!  See how her expression changes as Dean comes between her and Baby Leo.  Leo is more concerned about cake.  Dean doesn’t seem to be concerned about anything. 

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2011-11-05 Fiona_birthday 040 (2)

Next, Fiona opened some gifts, which included a doll house!  They all enjoyed playing with (and eating) the furniture and dolls.  

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After all of that excitement, little Miss had some trouble going to sleep.  I think I took this picture at about 10 p.m.  I was so exhausted!  Wasn’t she?!  What does this mean for the year of three?  I’m already worn out.

2011-11-05 Fiona_bedtime 003 (2)    2011-11-05 Fiona_bedtime 009 (2)

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