Saturday, November 12, 2011

Yoga comeback

I am tired. Leo is teething and waking up lots, and I am achy and cranky. Probably due to more than just Leo's schedule. The cooling weather is setting in, and the rains have begun. Luckily the trees are turning, so beauty can be found, even on our walks to the store.

But my body is sore, with every week bringing so little exercise, but plenty of activity, carrying ever-increasingly heavier children and supporting their physical health but not my own. Then there's the sedentary nature and repetitive motion of work. I'm carrying around lots of pinched nerves and tight muscles. So I finally got a massage, and I asked the masseuse, what can I do about preventative care - since I've obviously not figured out how to balance life with three children 5 and under - including breastfeeding a teething baby and working three days a week AND exercise. My tennis lessons lasted a month, but it was too stressful trying to squeeze working, nursing, eating, and tennis in one evening, so I discontinued. Wah wah.

So he shared three rudimentary things I should do each day, so basic that I'm almost embarrassed to post:

1. Touch my toes (see what I mean? Obvious, huh?).

2. Twist.

3. Reach for the sky.

Ok. It's not like I never do these things, it's just not deliberate. Yikes. Before I left, feeling kind of like I needed physical therapy and probably mental therapy, he reminded me about yoga. Right... I had totally forgotten how dedicated I used to be. Oh sure, I guess it's not in vogue nowadays like zumba or pilates, but tonight I pulled out my old yoga DVD and started the 'evening bath' series. Dean and Fia, who were in the next room, immediately sat down next to me and followed the instructions. It wasn't as relaxing as pre-kid yoga, but it was way more humorous. 'she's asleep!' 'she keeps rolling!' 'this part is twicky' 'mom, I see your belly'. And nothing like a three year old to show you what limber looks like. The evening bath ends with a blanket and quiet meditation, which they actually loved. They were both sad when it ended, so I promised we'd do some sun salutations in the morning. I know, this was supposed to be about ME. Well, I could use some accountability. And it's probably good to model some healthy habits. Here's to the start of my yoga comeback.

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