Wednesday, January 25, 2012

prickly again

Remember this mood?  Well, it's back.  I think it's cyclical for me.  Or maybe it's because little Leo has been battling a stomach flu for almost a week now, poor guy, and it's taking a toll on me.  Actually, it started before the flu.  So here is my list to channel some calm. and joy.

  1. Look at this prickly pear!  It's from our visit to my grandfather's ranch back in April.  So beautiful.  Okay, just thought I'd start there.
  2. I'm going back to Texas (um, in August, not the best time to go, but) - Fiona is in my cousin's wedding in Houston, and after much deliberation, I decided to stay for 10 days to get a little beach time in at my parent's place on the coast.  And take the boys too.  By myself.  Wait!  These are supposed to be my calm and happy thoughts!  I just couldn't keep the boys away from an opportunity to visit almost all of their cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and vice-versa.  So it's done.  It promises to be memorable for all.
  3. Mi esposo is headed for Oklahoma in April for his father's retirement.  He's braver than I thought - he will also be traveling solo with all three.  So we both will need some good ideas for keeping the kids entertained and occupied on these long flights.  Meanwhile, I've decided to stay home and host our second girls' weekend with my mom and sisters!  Not sure if everyone is able to make it, but it looks promising.  After all, it's been two years and four pregnancies later!!  It also happens to fall on my 35th birthday.  So, I will be celebrating either way.
  4. I'm traveling to LA this April, just before #3 above, for a work-related conference for four days!  I'm going to be a panelist on the last day, which is a little daunting, but I have also booked several mobile tours to relax, learn about the city, and see lots of cool stuff!  I'm so excited.  I feel like this is one city that I don't know well enough as a west coast urban designer, so I am happy to finally take in the sights and learn lots!
There are actually lots more motivators, but I am a big proponent of scheduling trips and visits with loved ones to get me through my moodiness.  So that's the underlying theme here. I feel better already. 

I've also started collecting calming techniques as part of my Keep Calm 2012.  Stay tuned.  I need a one-stop list when I start to get prickly.  Breathe.

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