Saturday, August 30, 2014

November 2013 album: celebrating life and giving thanks

I’ve been trying to make a go of “Dia de los Muertos” for the past two years.  This year, we got fancy and made some tissue paper marigolds along with our skulls, photos, and offerings.  It was a festive memorial, and another chance to talk about all of our loved ones who have passed away.  This year, we added photos of Aunt Terri, and I was grateful to share some memories of her with the kids.

2013-11-03 002  

November is Fiona’s birthday month, and she unknowingly did us a favor by requesting the exact same party as Dean.  So we kept the knight obstacle course set up in the backyard, recreated dragon eggs, and I retold my story of Dragonella. 

2013-11-02 001      2013-11-02 006     

Her cupcakes were surrounded and defended by knights, and we were all sporting some sweet knight tattoos by the end of her party.

2013-11-02 012   

On Fiona’s actual birthday, Matt and I picked her up from preschool and took her out to our favorite lunch spot, the Lair Hill Bistro, which is just a hop from my work, but since it’s not downtown, parking is free and available, and the food is yummy.  Plus they serve a homemade mac and cheese, so Fiona was a pretty happy girl.  And a proud five-year-old!  We can’t believe the day is here – she is truly one whole handful.      

2013-11-05 001    2013-11-05 007  

How many times does a person blow out candles in this house?  We can’t celebrate just once.  On the evening of her birthday, Fiona got more cupcakes and opened some presents – which included superheroes and a stuffed elephant.

2013-11-05 015   2013-11-05 020 

And other big news this month – Leo is potty training!  We officially kicked off on Veteran’s Day weekend, which was a four-day weekend for me, and the perfect time to keep my eye on Leo, making him sit every 30 minutes or so.  By Monday, I was confident enough to take all three kids to Hollywood for the Veteran’s Day parade, and surprisingly, no accidents happened!  Which is so hard to believe, since I went completely unprepared.  Leo is ready to be rid of diapers.  That seriously makes two of us.

And, Matt and I must have gone on a date.  Well, here’s a picture that proves it.  Not sure where we were headed, but it probably had to do with the Rotary auction.

2013-11-09 017   2013-11-16 NightOut 004

The kids helped me sew a tree skirt in anticipation of landing an 8-footer in December.  They all make excellent models.

2013-11-11 ChristmasTreeSkirt 008  2013-11-11 ChristmasTreeSkirt 010  2013-11-11 ChristmasTreeSkirt 016

And on Thanksgiving, I am thankful for this crew.

2013-11-27 Pies 002   2013-11-27 0772013-11-27 066   2013-11-27 038


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