Saturday, March 27, 2010

good day sunshine

I hardly write when I'm not pensive, so I thought it was time for a snapshot of happy.  Though my heart is still a little heavy from this week, today was a rare beautiful sunny day with the promise of spring - summer, even - an anomaly for March in Portland.  It was so pleasant and warm, and the kids had fun playing in the dirt as we worked in our garden. 

Matthew and I finally tackled what we call "the mound" - a large planting bed out front - with river rock, boulders, and more plants.  The yard is alive: our cherry blossoms resemble popped corn, and the daffodils and candy tufts reach toward the sun, stretching and growing and multiplying, with 200(!) tulips on the verge of painting the entire front a deep crimson.  The celebration of spring is a welcome and much needed distraction.


Matthew said...

I did catch dean trying to open a closed tulip to see the flower inside. I told him he had to wait, it would open when it was ready.

Lora said...

It's so tempting!